
TikTok on Lock
Columnist discusses the wider implications of President Trump’s TikTok executive order on the American government.

Captured on Film
Columnist explores the timeless appeal of film photography in a digital world.

Broke but Buying
Columnist shares her opinion on the benefits of fast fashion.

Films with Friends
Columnist explores Letterboxd and its positive influence on social media.

Chalkboards to Chatbots
Columnist looks into the use of incorporating artificial intelligence in schools.

More Than a Score
Columnist discusses fans' emotional attachment to professional and college sports teams.

Outside the Chocolate Box
Columnist discusses the importance of prioritizing self love over Valentine’s Day.

A Stylistic Stalemate
Columnist shares her view of our generation's journey across the peaks of style and current plateau of fashion.

Editor’s Note
Volume 88, Issue 4

Editor’s Note
Volume 88, Issue 3

I Do Solemnly Swear…
Columnist looks at the significance of the oath of office ahead of the inauguration.

How Are You Holding Up?
The need for kindness and compassion during the holidays.