The annual Kings Island field trip takes place towards the end of each school year, with Jeff Schuster, a physics teacher at Upper Arlington, being the main advisor for this trip. Each year, physics and calculus students are given the opportunity to sign up for this event, and it is a great opportunity to de-stress during the AP/IB testing season.

Q&A with Jeff Schuster
Q: How long has the King Island field trip been going on?
A: 15 years.
Q: What classes go on the trip?
A: All physics [classes] and some math.
Q: Do the classes change or are they always the same each year?
A: [The] math classes change sometimes.
Q: How much does the field trip cost?
A: $85 for the entrance to the park and the bus ticket.
Q: What do the students do while at Kings Island?
A: They use accelerometers on rides, angle measurement devices to determine heights by triangulation, [and] compete in egg drop competitions.
Q: What would you rate this trip and why?
A: One of the best days of the school year since students experience the physics I’ve been teaching.