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Insights From an Artist

Graphic artist reflects on her journey with the arts.

Art has always been the most important part of my life; I have always loved to express myself through creating. These techniques can be collaborative but can be done independently as well. There is no end to the possibilities that creativity can provide. Any time I had an elective in school, I would take the chance to sign up for an art class. Freshman year I took Painting I and Media Arts. Sophomore year I did Honors Painting, Ceramics and I joined vocal music for Bel Canto. Junior year I did Jewelry & Metals and joined Arlingtonian for graphic designing. Finally, for senior year, I got to take Film Analysis, Independent Studies for Jewelry, and participate in the musical. So, I would say I’ve tried my fair share of art classes here at Upper Arlington. And I would do it all over again. One of the main components I love about art is how it connects everything together, from the patterns in math to the poems in literature classes. There is always a time and place to explore and learn a new craft. Imagination enhances everything we do; the ability to have your own creations out in the world is a special and precious existence. Producing art has been an outlet for me over the years. I cannot even begin to imagine my world that doesn’t revolve around it. When I embrace art, I can find beauty in the simplicity of things. I consider every blank space I place where I can contribute my creativity. I have stuck my backpack with pins and ribbons. My bedroom walls are covered in collages. And there is not a second where I am not indulging in music and dancing around my house. Art has allowed me to appreciate life for what it is; I see all the beauty in nature and I see art in the reflection of myself.

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