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Editor’s Note

Volume 87, Issue 2
Editor's Note

Growing up is something you rarely notice, until one day something reminds you: be it a baby photo pinned on the fridge, or a birthday, or merely looking in the mirror one day and realizing the person in front of you looks nothing like you remembered.

Personally, I visualize my growing up through watching my brother age. Born Oct. 17, 2011, my brother Zander is nearly six years younger than me, and will forever be a baby in my eyes. But obviously, this isn’t the case. It’s equally terrifying and exhilarating watching him grow up, partially because I know that this means that I am growing up as well.

As senior year flies by in a series of college essays, capstone deadlines, and “lasts,” I find myself constantly drawn to my brother. 

In some ways, it’s to reassure myself that I’m not hurtling through time by myself, that, while older, my brother is still technically a kid. And while he’d resent me for saying that, in some ways it’s incredibly comforting to me. 

But in other ways, I know that my time with my brother is somewhat limited, being that I hope to be in a college at least an eight hour drive away at this time next year. And I’m terrified of him growing up without me. I hate the thought of missing out on seemingly menial moments, and one day coming home and realizing he’s grown up

For those of you that relate to the influx of emotions that growing up brings with it, I encourage you to check out Thea’s story about the college selection process. But for those of you who want to think about something happier, read Lucy’s news brief, or Ali’s controversial decision surrounding Raising Cane’s and Chick-fil-A (which, by the way, I do not agree with.) It is our hope that each of you can find something within this issue of Arlingtonian that resonates with you. 

As for Zander, I dedicate this issue to you. I dedicate it to your unrelenting strength, creativity, and stubbornness. I dedicate it to your love of animals and your desire to fly a spaceship. I dedicate it to my best friend and my greatest pride. I am so incredibly grateful to have gotten the privilege to grow up with you, and cannot wait to see the person you become. Happy birthday, love.

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