Most times, I feel like it’s easy to just ‘go through the motions,’ however, exam season feels almost the opposite. Every spare minute I have feels wasted if I’m not being productive.
Drowning in a pool of flashcards and fatigue, it feels like we are all waiting to come up for air once break finally starts. Of course, winter break is ‘break’ for a reason, but that doesn’t mean that these final weeks ahead of us have to be miserable. Stress is inevitable, especially in a school surrounded by high-achieving and ambitious students. ‘Serve. Lead. Succeed.’ It’s written on the walls and pasted in automated emails, words we can never escape. But sometimes we lose sight of what it truly means to succeed.
Our ability to balance life, learning and leisure is as true a testament to success as anything else. Effective study happens when you give yourself a break, if you know when you’re at max capacity. So often we feel like taking a step back is a sign of weakness, that stress is the only way to know your hard work will pay off. Well, it’s not.
It’s okay not to study at lunch or to take the scenic route on the way home and listen to one extra song. Allow yourself to enjoy the little things, and don’t lose your mind over being human, rather than a robot.
Some things are completely inevitable, and out of our control, so spending time dwelling on them won’t change anything. It’s pointless to spend more time worrying than working. At the end of the day, all anyone can do is their best. When things are out of control, allow yourself to take a step back.
This is easier to say now that I’ve completed most of my college applications and stress about grades and ‘perfection’ is in the past. Yet these lessons in mindfulness and productivity will always be relevant. As exams approach, remember to relax your shoulders, getting lost in study guides is one thing, but losing yourself in stress will never be worth it.
Come Dec. 21, exams will be over, parking lots will be empty and stuffed backpacks will be ignored. You are not defined by numbers, letters, or time spent studying, there is much more to life than the obstacles you face now. Don’t try to be perfect, try your best, and let the rest run its course. See you next year, and best of luck!